Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New Me!!!

Hi everyone...

Welcome to 2012...may this be the year that you feel content, if not always happy, with your lives...or that you do what you need to do to get to that place. I am very blessed with my small family and my large circle of friends...I do feel content at the moment!!

My eyes are fixed and as of the end of July, I got the eyeglasses I needed to do up close work, or reading.

I worked like crazy this past fall crafting lots of items for my friends to take to the craft shows they were part of...helped me make a little money, and helped them with more items on their display tables. I had such a great time doing that but I am going to start earlier this year!! Trying to pack it all into 2 1/2 months was silly!!

We also had Maddie and Blake stay with us every weekend for a couple of months as Sean was working a whole bunch of time at his plant while they had a shutdown to maintain their huge equipment. Brenda could only work on the weekends as someone had to get the kids off to school and be there after school. It was great fun as we had such a beautiful fall but sometimes I was too busy crafting to spend a lot of time with them! They are pretty independent so as long as their TV worked, Maddie had something to craft, and Blake had lots of Lego everything went well!

We had a bit of a rough Christmas as both Lewis' Mom and my Step-Mom (of 40 years!) are both fighting critical illnesses. We know Lewis' Mom at 85 will never recover, but we have the highest of hopes that my Step-Mom at 68 will come through her illness now that she is getting the necessary treatment. A lot of situations happened in the couple of days before Christmas with both of them.

For the first year in many, many years, I did not make Christmas cards or send them out. Still feels off but I am doing some New Year cards! (I may have missed sending them out in the past 35+ years but that would of been the exception to the rule!

I wanted to share that I am back, and healthy, and hope to post at least twice per week on my blog to keep your interest in papercrafting alive and well!

I also wanted to share that I am on the weight-losing program of Weight Watchers on line and getting weighed every second week at my dietician's. In 2011 I lost 26 pounds (most of that this autumn), and have started off 2012 with another 2 lb. loss. I hope to achieve another 25 lb loss in 2012 (or more if I can). Things have just clicked with me this time! I have been on so many plans in the past 40 years and I always put the weight back on, so I have huge hopes that I can eat in moderation from now on. (I have lots of treats but in moderation!!)

So I thought I would start off the New Year with a Christmas project. I made 6 of these to sell and they are all gone. I have 3 more of the project pieces if anyone wants one for next year! It is a reusable Advent calendar and you can put anything like Dollar store trinkets, or notes, or anything else you can think of (into the small, 1 1/2 cubic inch drawers, especially if you don't want your child or children to start the day of with chocolate!!)

So here is an upclose photo of the center of the Advent calendar and then a wider shot showing all the boxes in place. (No two have been identical so any that I would do this year might be different from this one!)

Thanks for checking in, I will be back by mid-week with another creation!

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