Thursday, November 20, 2014

I'm still Here!

Just wanted to let you know I am still around.

Not sure where I left off last but the past Friday we moved downstairs to sleep in the family room on the sofa bed. It is very comfortable to sleep on just not great for me to sit on during the day to craft.

We have had a very busy week around here! Monday we had 4 tradespeople here at once plus our contractors. It was organized chaos! Anyway our bedroom and ensuite are now painted and look beautiful. Adding crown moulding to the ceilings of both rooms has made it more stylish and cozier as we have 9' ceilings!

Tuesday the painter was here all day doing touch ups on walls and baseboards. Yesterday was a great day! Lewis and I cleaned our much dust, and then we moved back upstairs! Awesome! Also the vanity and countertop were installed in our ensuite. It is looking amazing! Now we are waiting for  the glass for around the shower and the Quartz pieces for around the tub and on the shower seat.

Isn't this weather wild?! Luckily I have been able to stay in this week but I have appointments Friday and Saturday so I will have to round up my winter gear...coat, boots, gloves, scarf, etc!

I hope to be back with the photos of more gift card holders by Sunday. (I have been working on a 15" tall tower of drawers for a donation for a cancer fundraiser this Sunday, but forgot to take a photo of it. Also a kit of star boxes for them, too.) I am always keeps me sane!

Be back soon...maybe with some before and after photos, too!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Second post today!

I am blogging on my iPad and it has some limitations!

Here is the second gift card holder. This is made as a tag or could be hung on a Christmas tree!

This looks a little odd because I had to take the photo with the tag on its side!

This is the inside of the tag!

I will be back soon with more holders! (Probably will be a couple of days as there is a lot going on here over the next couple of days! We have to empty our bedroom tomorrow for our painting to take place! Lots of work!)


Gift Card Holders

I have 2 gift card holders to share with you today. These will be available in my classes on November 27th and 28th. (Sorry can't do that Sunday afternoon as my sisters and I and our families are getting together for our annual Christmas gathering that day! I can offer it the following Sunday, Dec. 7th if anyone is interested!)

Our renovations are moving ahead but it will probably be mid December before everything is completed. That's fine because everything is coming together so perfectly. I love it so far!

I'm healing from my fall last Saturday but am staying home for a few more days to rest and heal. I did scrape one of my knees but my pants were fine! I was so glad as the pants are one of my favourites!

On to the photos... (See next post for the other gift card holder!!!)

First one is a cute Santa that I will provide an envelope for...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gift Card Holders Coming Soon!

Sorry I don't have a gift card holder to show you this weekend. I tripped and fell yesterday...I am okay but I hit the top of my head on a concrete step. I'm very lucky as everything is fine but I am very sore today and have a headache!

I'm just going to rest for a day or two and then I will post the beginning of at least 5 styles of Gift Card Holders! Didn't want you to think I was ignoring my blog!

Be back soon,